Slice Zucchini trying to get 12 to 14 slices out of each one. Place butter in a frying pan and brown Zucchini slices turning over after a minute. Sprinkle a pinch of salt over them and set aside. Place a basil leaf on the cracker followed by a teaspoon of Cottage cheese and then the zucchini slice. Finish with cracked pepper and place a thin slice of chili on each one before serving.
2 medium zucchinis
2 table spoons of Anchor butter
100 grams cottage cheese
25 medium basil leaves
Salt and cracked pepper
3 large green bongo chili’s
1 pack of Punjas Crackers
Prep time 15 min SERVES 25
Base Product Options Suitable Punjas products to prepare this dish are our range of Flavoured Crackers or Fiji’s favourite the Breakfast Cracker.