Italian Technology – New ‘State of the Art’ Biscuit Factory
“Punjas involved us in this important project for Fiji, having to provide machinery that had to be highly efficient, fully automated, state of the art by international standards, for the production of biscuits and crackers with the objective in mind to obtain an extremely high quality product.
The factory was beautifully designed, as well as meeting the strictest international food grade standards. We provided Punjas with machinery that was manufactured and engineered in Italy. It starts with the ingredients metering, weighing, mixing then goes through the processing, the baking, down to the packaging which is done in foil for freshness.
Some unique and important features of this line are metal detection, through several points, power backup and server driven motors all along the line. The machinery is constantly monitored remotely by our Italian technicians who analyze the data and can advise on any required maintenance. This ensures perfect production schedules.
The scale of the machinery allows for very high volume output without compromising any of the quality. Baked right here in Fiji and wrapped in foiled for ultimate freshness – sempre fresco” (always fresh).
Ugo Cocchis – Food Engineer / Consultant